Sponsoring a Seminar for Continuing Education Credits
Sponsoring or Requesting Credit for a Webinar
If you wish to sponsor or request credit as a content provider for continuing education credit approval, you must submit an application at least 30 days ahead of the continuing education session you are requesting credit for.
All providers/sponsors must agree to and provide proof of credit complete to the licensee within 30 days of the continuing education session, if approved.
Content must be relevant to the profession of funeral directing and embalming, and cannot be strictly focused on marketing, management of a business, etc.
The continuing education credit approval request form can be found
here and submitted by email to kortneyadams@nsbrefd.com along with all required information/documentation outlined on the application form.
Please note, a two (2) hour presentation or lecture does not necessarily mean two (2) credits; decision of value will be given by Education Committee, based on content, and no partial credits are issued for continuing education (i.e., credits will be for one or two credits, not 1.5 credits).
If the content is of value, a presentation or lecture may be awarded more than one (1) credit per hour.
A presentation or lecture credit will only be awarded once during a five (5) year block.
It is up to the Sponsor (s) to ensure the Seminar is up to the standard set-out by the Education Committee, to promote Professional Development.
Once a seminar topic has been approved it is kept on record and can be offered again; however, as indicated above, licensees can only receive credit for it one time.
This Office of the Board of Registration of Embalmers and Funeral Directors is willing to help to promote your Seminar, once it has been approved, through mass emails to Funeral Homes and licensees. You will have to also arrange for your own method of promotion.
These Guidelines have been set forth by the Education Committee and presented to the Board of Registration of Embalmers and Funeral Directors, where a motion was made and passed to accept these Guidelines, effective the date of that meeting, May 28, 2009 and amended June 1, 2023.