A list of the Acts and Regulations which govern the funeral directing and embalming professions.
Important information and resources for funeral professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic
Member Area
Welcome to the Nova Scotia Board of Registration of Embalmers and Funeral Directors Member Area! In this area of the website you will be able to login using your personal username and password for the association. You will find member related articles, advertising opportunities available to you, and other valuable information. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Member NewsWe are proud of the professional achievements and business successes of our members, and have dedicated this section of the member’s area to the promotion of their accomplishments. Review member news, or submit a press release or other announcement for publication.
State & Federal Legislative NewsOur office of legislative research, working together with the state Funeral Service Board and the NFDA, works diligently to promote positive funeral legislation at both the state and federal levels.